Because we didn't get a chance to include photos with our last post, here are a few from our time with the Ohana Crew in Puerto Vallarta. We're happy where we are, but miss Tom, Nicole, Chris, and the lifestyle we enjoyed with them greatly!
The Ohana Crew: Chris, Nicole, Tom, Ben, Emily

Every single day, we observe "Sunset Time," where everything stops as we watch the sun sink below an unobstructed horizon. This one is from the Cabo - Puerto Vallarta crossing.
Our evening's entertainment while docked at Paradise Village: Emily grooving center stage with Chris on back-up vocals and Tom on table-top percussion. (Ben is taking a break from lead vocals to take the photo.)

Awesome PIctures! I bet the bioluminescence show with the dolphins was unbelievable!!!! Any pictures of that? - The last picture you posted here is funny- how did you manage to have everyone photographed so naturally awkward at the same time? Photographer secret?